Chen Yueguang

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Indeed, out of all properties, rationality is the most precious a man enjoys, and the fundamental goal of education is to express and promote this human reason. Without reason, a society will know no peace, and a civilisation no progress. Nowadays in China, impulsion and raw power reign supreme, and even amongst those undertaking study, violence is more frequently taken as the solution to problems, a development that we cannot oppose more. In recent decades, Chinese education has completely failed its duty in this field, and we demand that the government and all aspects of society may shift this attention to it. Only through rational discourse will there be right and wrong in a society, that it may settle down under justice. We demand a society where the boundary of what is right and what is wrong is made clear, a society where all struggle and all debates invoke reason in their solution. Only then may all things work as they do naturally, and accelerate all things men intend to build upon.

——Chu Anping. Guancha